Third Grade Learning

Third grade is when you take the leap from learning how to read to use reading for learning! We will explore many different genres and really learn to use informational text to guide us when we do research. 

We love to write and some of the genres we will explore are:  personal narratives, persuasive writing, informational writing, poetry and fairy tale adaptions.

We love to explore and do hands on projects, some of the things we are learning in social studies and science are: earth and geography, weather and water, forces and motions, human body, native americans and Kittery history. 

In math we will continue exploring Everyday Math, we will work on our place value of whole numbers and decimals, addition and subratction of whole numbers, line measurements and area, geometry and fraction. This is also the year we will start with our multiplication and division math fatcs! Keep practicing them so you can be really secure in them!